Author Archives : Nick

Book Review: The Lean Startup

For my recent trip to Singapore I grabbed a copy of The Lean Startup to read on the plane. I had heard about the book from The Amp Hour who had the author Eric Ries on as a guest. I’ll have to admit that going into the book I wasn’t […]

NCMW Travel: Singapore

I recently travelled to Singapore for a work assignment. When I found out that I was going, I googled things to do while I was there and got a rather boring list: look at some gardens, go shopping and get cosmetic surgery. A more refined search came up with the following video […]

Pinterest Page

To get ideas on how to layout the new shop space I have been combing through the internet for inspiration. Instead of collecting a long list of bookmarks in my browser I have setup a Pinterest page to log ideas for the shop as well as projects once I get everything […]

Workshop Survey

The first order of business to set up the shop was to survey the space. I went around measuring the different features of the room with a tape measure to get as many dimensions as I could. The data was recoded in my notebook as shown below.     Doing a survey […]